Kind &


yoga and mindfulness

& let the joy flow

Loving Kindness Approach to physical and mental health for teens and adults

My invitation

Address your worries, headaches and back pains. Discover calm, strength and joy. 

I will support you in working with stress and anxiety, in healing eating disorders and negative relationship with your body and I will help you ease your pains.

I help adults, children and teens to:

– Feel good in their bodies
– Be at peace in their minds
– Feel empowered to follow their dreams and make a meaningful change in the world

I offer a safe, brave and compassionate environment and high quality experience.

Workshops supporting wellbeing of teachers, children and youth

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Workshops supporting wellbeing of employees and whole teams

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Body-image & Eating disorders

Workshops supporting healthy body-image and healing eating disorders. 

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For all bodies and ages

Group classes, courses, workshops, retreats for adults, children and teens.

I combine knowledge and 30 years of experience based on: 

  • yoga, yoga psychology and therapy
  • somatics, pilates and physiotherapeutic movement
  • mindfulness and mindful self-compassion
  • trauma informed care
  • yoga and mindfulness for eating disorders and healthy body-image

I founded the organisation SEMwell that offers courses and workshops for schools, preschools and companies.

Join the movement!

Experience directly what I can do for you. Get a free guided Body-scan meditation narrated by me to listen to in the comfort of your home.